12 Ways to Identify Past Life Lovers, Friends, or Enemies

Nov 19, 2014 by Lianne Downey
Tempers flared, decibels rose. “You agreed to pay 25% when you moved in!” I insisted. “But you use more electricity during the day than I do!” my roommate shouted back, this sweet-looking, perfectly-put-together woman who never showed this side of herself in public.
We’d been at this angry impasse for days. Finally, a thought came to me and I spat: “You know, if we don’t work this out now, we’ll have to come back as a man and woman, get married, and share a checkbook!”
At that point, the thought of marrying the other person was so abhorrent to us both that it worked like a splash of cold water. It didn’t hurt that we’d met in a past-life therapy class: we...
We’d been at this angry impasse for days. Finally, a thought came to me and I spat: “You know, if we don’t work this out now, we’ll have to come back as a man and woman, get married, and share a checkbook!”
At that point, the thought of marrying the other person was so abhorrent to us both that it worked like a splash of cold water. It didn’t hurt that we’d met in a past-life therapy class: we...
What Does YOUR Heaven Look Like?

Oct 29, 2024 by Lianne Downey
Have you thought about what your heaven will look like? At my age, there’s no shortage of friends and family on the other side or getting ready for that final passage. But a recent reviewer of my sci fi suspense novel, Perception, made me pause over this question. I realized that when I write about higher-dimensional worlds, that’s what many people would call Heaven. And my concept probably differs from yours.
Who Was Ernest L. Norman?

Jul 20, 2023 by Lianne Downey
Because I often write about his work and his influence on my thinking, one of my blog readers in India asked me, "Who is Ernest L. Norman?" Here's a brief, personalized biography of this visionary scientist and author whom I never met but whose books changed my life in wonderful ways. And still do.
Are You Race Neutral?

Aug 19, 2017 by Lianne Downey
Last Friday, the day before an event in Charlottesville, Virginia, which may soon bring down a President, a total stranger and I experienced a profound moment that made the next day’s clashes that much more horrifying, and yet, gave us an insight into how the country might heal.
It’s not your usual rhetoric from social scientists, as helpful as that might be. Our solution is what you might consider “out there” in terms of its underlying philosophy. But if this stranger and I could see, feel, and understand it—simultaneously—isn’t there hope for others whose lives seem, on the surface, to come from completely different cultures? A divide we have trouble crossing?
What unites us? We are human. As human beings, we all...
It’s not your usual rhetoric from social scientists, as helpful as that might be. Our solution is what you might consider “out there” in terms of its underlying philosophy. But if this stranger and I could see, feel, and understand it—simultaneously—isn’t there hope for others whose lives seem, on the surface, to come from completely different cultures? A divide we have trouble crossing?
What unites us? We are human. As human beings, we all...
5 Ways to Fix an Unhappy Past Life Relationship

Aug 26, 2015 by Lianne Downey
Knowing someone from a past life is no reason to stay in an unhappy relationship! Here are five ways to fix it, or finish it.
I often write “Dear Abby” type replies to people who comment on my posts about past life awareness. Many of them find themselves stuck in relationships that are making them unhappy. My most popular article of this sort is about identifying past life lovers, friends, and enemies. Thankfully, that begins to answer the question. They came together to rectify past life issues that have left them feeling unbalanced. But it’s never quite that simple.
I often write “Dear Abby” type replies to people who comment on my posts about past life awareness. Many of them find themselves stuck in relationships that are making them unhappy. My most popular article of this sort is about identifying past life lovers, friends, and enemies. Thankfully, that begins to answer the question. They came together to rectify past life issues that have left them feeling unbalanced. But it’s never quite that simple.
What Does It Mean When a Beetle Lands in Your Hair?

Jul 17, 2015 by Lianne Downey
A little Messenger in the garden has graced me with his (or her) wisdom three times now, over the course of three days of lunching en plein air with Joseph. Not so little, actually. She’s a glittering, iridescent green, Figeater beetle, loud as a lawnmower, and she has insisted on landing in my hair while I’m eating. Which means she's become a totem for me, my beetle totem.
The third time she landed, she stayed so long Joseph was able to grab the camera for her closeups. I finally had to urge her gently away because lunch was over.
I will admit, I kept asking Joseph, “What is she doing? Is she leaving anything behind?!?”
Yes, she was. A message...
The third time she landed, she stayed so long Joseph was able to grab the camera for her closeups. I finally had to urge her gently away because lunch was over.
I will admit, I kept asking Joseph, “What is she doing? Is she leaving anything behind?!?”
Yes, she was. A message...
Subtle Energy Depletion: A Healer’s Bane
Jun 29, 2015 by Lianne Downey
Here’s how it happens:
The “Healer” opens her consciousness to the Infinite, the Universe, Source, God, with the intention of serving humanity. Or maybe just a single human. She fills herself with the Light energy that pours in. She is the empty vessel.
The Infinite overflows into her being, like water pouring out after a dam has broken. The Healer seeks this inflow as greedily as we seek water when thirsty, but the Infinite also requires the Healer. The Healer offers the negative pole in the electrical system, the deficit. The Infinite offers the positive pole, the surfeit. Energy, all up and down the frequency spectrum, from dimension to dimension, from pole to pole, from human to human, flows according to this...
The “Healer” opens her consciousness to the Infinite, the Universe, Source, God, with the intention of serving humanity. Or maybe just a single human. She fills herself with the Light energy that pours in. She is the empty vessel.
The Infinite overflows into her being, like water pouring out after a dam has broken. The Healer seeks this inflow as greedily as we seek water when thirsty, but the Infinite also requires the Healer. The Healer offers the negative pole in the electrical system, the deficit. The Infinite offers the positive pole, the surfeit. Energy, all up and down the frequency spectrum, from dimension to dimension, from pole to pole, from human to human, flows according to this...
My Sister and the Elephants

Apr 23, 2015 by Lianne Downey
This painting is called “Remember Me” and it’s dedicated to my big sister, Linda Jo Hunter, animal advocate, wildlife tracker, artist, and author (Lonesome for Bears). It happened by accident. Again. It all started with two new paint colors and an elephant’s eye.
Art Brain, Word Brain ... Psychic Brain

Jan 04, 2015 by Lianne Downey
I’m a word person. I write books. I used to be a newspaper journalist. Ever since a traumatic comparison of my coloring technique with that of my best friend in kindergarten, I’ve said, “I can’t draw; I can’t paint; I’m not an artist; I’m not a designer.” So naturally when I turned sixty last February, I set out to reconsider that assessment. I forced my Word Brain to try Art Brain. This slammed me straight back into those childhood traumas.
How NOT to "Not Look Old"

Mar 10, 2014 by Lianne Downey
A little adventure about making my peace with aging...
Cosmic CoAuthors work with us in such subtle ways, their influence is almost indetectable. Almost. They nudge and encourage, silently dropping ideas into our minds, leading us in and out of learning situations with gentle hints. Only later can I detect their unmistakeable fingerprints, usually by realizing, “Hey! That was no ‘coincidence!’” It happened to me again yesterday.
I’d been drawn to a library book about how not to look old, probably because I just passed my sixtieth birthday last month. Yikes! Maybe I should be concerned? Dress differently? Wear different makeup? This coincides with my recent loss of thirty pounds, and my sudden overpowering need to clear clutter from every drawer, closet, box, and garage. (The first “coincidence,” in fact...
Cosmic CoAuthors work with us in such subtle ways, their influence is almost indetectable. Almost. They nudge and encourage, silently dropping ideas into our minds, leading us in and out of learning situations with gentle hints. Only later can I detect their unmistakeable fingerprints, usually by realizing, “Hey! That was no ‘coincidence!’” It happened to me again yesterday.
I’d been drawn to a library book about how not to look old, probably because I just passed my sixtieth birthday last month. Yikes! Maybe I should be concerned? Dress differently? Wear different makeup? This coincides with my recent loss of thirty pounds, and my sudden overpowering need to clear clutter from every drawer, closet, box, and garage. (The first “coincidence,” in fact...
Lessons from the Labyrinth

Sep 24, 2013 by Lianne Downey
Last weekend I walked a labyrinth for the first time. I entered it with no expectations and no instructions. In fact, I kept saying to Joseph, “Now, why do people walk labyrinths? What’s it supposed to do?” I fear I was not as quiet and respectful as most would be, but we were totally alone out in the boulder-strewn foothills of East San Diego. The labyrinth held a surprise for me.
Book Excerpt: Speed Your Evolution

Jul 22, 2013 by Lianne Downey
Happy Book Day! Today, July 22, Speed Your Evolution: Become the Star Being You Are Meant to Be takes off into the world! To celebrate, I'd like to share an excerpt from the opening chapter with you. This comes from my Cosmic CoAuthors:
"The science in this book has been brought to you from the top down, through the use of visionary mediums...
"The science in this book has been brought to you from the top down, through the use of visionary mediums...
Overcoming My Fear of Bears (Part I)

Nov 29, 2011 by Lianne Downey
I’ve had a terrifying phobia of bears all my life. The first time I saw one I was three years old and fell deathly ill. Ironically, my older sister is a bear expert, serving three seasons as a grizzly-viewing guide at a lodge in Alaska and writing a popular book about her experiences. She took this picture at close range. (!!)
Karma? You bet! But decades later in life, I still hadn’t overcome my knee-melting, stomach jolting FEAR at the very thought of bears. Until last week.
Karma? You bet! But decades later in life, I still hadn’t overcome my knee-melting, stomach jolting FEAR at the very thought of bears. Until last week.
Are You Gender Neutral?

Jul 02, 2011 by Lianne Downey
I recently caught a story on NPR’s website about a trend they termed, “The End of Gender.” The article pointed to evidence such as an androgynous Australian model who walks runways for both women’s and men’s fashion, parents raising a child in gender-neutral fashion to allow the fullest room for choice, and a J. Crew advertisement featuring a boy with pink toenails. Not surprised by this supposed trend, I instantly thought of at least three good reasons for it, viewed through my multidimensional lens....
Housekeeping: An Act of Psychic Development?

Mar 02, 2011 by Lianne Downey
Want to sharpen your psychic skills? Clean the house! So say my interdimensional Tutors
.I’d been fretting over the need to take time off from the burgeoning publishing business to properly clean the house. Work is so much more exciting! I don’t dislike cleaning; actually I enjoy the results and the chores aren’t that horrendous. They are somewhat meditative to me, in fact. Once I’m into it, the time just floats along and it’s fun to make things sparkle and shine. But, oh, how I begrudge that time, when I think of having to spend it on something that is only going to get dirty again!! ...
.I’d been fretting over the need to take time off from the burgeoning publishing business to properly clean the house. Work is so much more exciting! I don’t dislike cleaning; actually I enjoy the results and the chores aren’t that horrendous. They are somewhat meditative to me, in fact. Once I’m into it, the time just floats along and it’s fun to make things sparkle and shine. But, oh, how I begrudge that time, when I think of having to spend it on something that is only going to get dirty again!! ...
What Does It Mean When a Rabbit Crosses Your Path?
Sep 03, 2010 by Lianne Downey
Before we talk about the popular subject of animal totems, and at the risk of seeming un-humble, I am going to quote a comment posted on a previous blog entry: “Wow Lianne, your breadth and depth of knowledge of the metaphysical (and all that entails) is extraordinary. I've done my fair share of reading and research over the course of my adult life, but do not profess to have such a broad scope of information and understanding as you.” I’m so glad someone noticed because I AM NOT THAT SMART! As I’ve mentioned before, when I write something of this nature, I’ve learned how to link up with my Higher Resources and THEY are very smart indeed. They’re the ones with the...