Cosmic Dancer Now in Hardcover!

Dancing couple holding book
Can't stop admiring this new cover design--not even for a waltz with Joseph!
My reincarnation novel, Cosmic Dancer, has a new cover design! And it's available in hardcover for the first time, as well as paperback and ebook. Our favorite visionary artist, Roslynn E. Moore, supplied the cosmic ballerina and butterfly. 

The new version also features more sketches inside (by me). Actually, I stole them from Marta/Amelia’s diary as she navigates the challenges of her psychic awakening. It's Magical Realism meets Ballet Fiction, with lengthy sojourns in the higher worlds between lifetimes.

This is a book about drawing on what you know to be true within, about finding your importance in the universal cosmos, and about identifying those who can help you rise to your fullest potential. It touches on themes of death and rebirth, the damage done by alcoholic parents, and the thinness of the veil between this dimension and others in the multiverse. It's set on Earth-and in one soul's extraordinary afterlife.

Here's what the new dust jacket looks like: 

Front of hardcover Cosmic Dancer
Back of Cosmic Dancer dust cover

Check out your favorite bookseller, globally. Should be there!

(If not, let me know. And tell your seller they can easily order a copy from their Ingram supplier.)

**TIP**: If you want a paperback with the new design, look beyond Amazon for the next few weeks. Last I checked, hardcover and Kindle look great, but for paperbacks, they’re still selling the old cover. Probably a few left in Amazon warehouses. For the new version, try to support your local indie bookstore! Or any other retailer that sells books, including discount stores.

Here's a look at the back cover of the new paperback edition:

Back cover paperback Cosmic Dancer